Blog Post

How can task focused managers impact culture?

By Greg Smith – Feb 23, 2023

Either really well or very poorly.

A good example of a task focused manager is a Project Manager.  They are usually hired to get a particular task completed in the most cost-effective manner possible.  They can be highly tech savvy, personable in nature and have loads of PM experience.

However their greatest assets may also be their greatest potential liabilities.

Assigning and driving task completion can create overly focused silos for each of the project work streams.  Managing the project brain trust can inadvertently derail task completion with a legitimate need to control and be informed, all while actually demonstrating some good “project management” skills.

So what is missing?  Paying attention to the effect of how things (culture) are being done.

For example, with the best of intentions to make something more efficient, the project manager may implement a solution to mechanize or automate things. That solution may actually impact negatively by creating more work, as the mechanization can end up hiding and suppressing emotion and remove organic problem solving and discussion between team members.  A change in the name of efficiency may create more work and heightened anxiety for the team members.

Before implementing a solution, pause, and consider the organizations preferred operating culture. How that solution is implemented will affect staff. Some of those ways might affect them in a manner that may not have been intended.

So, task focused managers, think beyond the task!

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